Korelacja jednostek litostratygraficznych wapienia muszlowego Gór Świętokrzyskich i Śląska oraz ich pozycja chronostratygraficzna


  • Jerzy Trammer
  • Krystyna Zawidzka


CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHIC POSITION AND CORRELATION OF LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS OF THE MUSCHELKALK OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS AND SILESIA REGIONS Summary Lithostratigraphic units of the Muschelkalk from the Silesia and the Holy Cross Mts are correlated with Alpine chronostratigraphic scheme (Fig. 1). Moreover, Muschelkalk profiles from the two regions are compared (Fig. 1). The correlations were made primarily on the basis of conodonts (8, 9). The results obtained differ from those obtained on the basis of lithostratigraphical correlation (4, 5).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia