Okruchy wapieni mioceńskich w osadach morenowych na górze Sitki pod Chęcinami


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Jan Kutek
  • Leszek Lindner


BOULDERS OF TORTONIAN LIMESTONES IN TILL DEPOSITS OF THE SITKI HILL NEAR CHĘCINY , HOLY CROSS MTS Summary J. Liszkowski (9), who found debris of the Tortonian limestones on the Sitki Hill (Figs. 1 - 3) near Chęciny (south-western part of the Holy Cross Mts, Central Poland), concluded that they are the autochthonous waste of Tortonian deposits. This implied the extension of the Fore-Carpathian Tortonian sea to the north-west considerable greater than it had commonly been accepted (1, 11, 12). Field observations of the present authors demonstrate that these debris (Figs. 8-10) really occur in the flake of boulder clay (Fig. 4) together with boulders of Scandinavian crystalline rocks (Fig. 5), Kimmeridigian oolites (Fig. 6) and onkolites (Fig. 7), as well as Turonian flints. This association of local boulders may be explained as corresponding to deposit of a separate glacial lobe which invaded depression in the south-western part of Holy Cross Mts from the south-east (Chmielnik area - Fig. 11) during the Cracovian (Mindel) Glaciation. This small glacial lobe was independent of that greater one, commonly accepted (2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13) which invaded the central depression of the Holy Cross Mts (Fig. 11).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia