O żyłach klastycznych pstrego piaskowca w Górach Świętokrzyskich


  • Jerzy Głazek
  • Piotr Roniewicz


BUNTSANDSTEIN CLASTIC DYKES IN THE HOLY CROSS MTS (CENTRAL POLAND) SUMMARY Clastic dykes of the Buntsandstein in the Devonian limestones were found in many places of south-western part of the Holy Cross Mts (Fig. 4). These dykes are perpendicular (Figs. 2 and 3), oblique or parallel (Fig. 1) to the bedding planes of host limestones. Near the contact of limestones with the Permian and Triassic deposits all these types of dykes occur, whereas deeper-off the contact (no less than some tens of meters) only perpendicular dykes penetrate. Rectilinear, sharp shape' of dykes evidence their tectonic predisposition. The dykes, which were earlier regarded as fossil karst forms (4, 5, 6), must therefore be treated as a result of synsedimentary tectonic movements during sedimentation of the Buntsandstein (2, 3, 7). A karst-reworking was acting only in the superficial part of elevated blocks of the substrate along zones of synsedimentary faults.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia