Z badań konkrecji węglanowych w utworach węglonośnych
STUDIES ON CARBONATE CONCRETIONS FROM COAL-BEARING ROCKS Summary The author makes a reference to L. Chodyniecka's paper on "Cerboniferous clay spherosiderites of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin", published in "Zeszyty Naukowe" of the Silesian Polytechnical University, no. 369, 1973. In that paper on the basis of results of chemical-mineralogical studies it was shown that the current interpretation of carbonate concretions as spherosiderites is often invalid. The, concept of spherosiderites originated at the early stage of studies on mineral deposits of the concretion type, when it was widely assumed that these deposits are of uniform sideritic composition. Erroneous views on chemical-mineralogical composition or these concretions often lead to invalid conclusions concerning the origin of deposits surrounding the concretions. The paper presents detailed analysis of that problem based on the results of author’s studies as well as the results of other studies on carbonate concretions from the Carboniferous of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin and Donetz, Peczora and other basins of the U.S.S.R.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia