Problematyczne otwornice z wiercenia Czernic 1 koło Dęblina
PROBLEMATIC FORAMINIFERS FROM CZERNICE BOREHOLE, LUBLIN AREA Summary Numerous tubes and some disc-shaped tests were found in deposits of uncertain (? Permian, ? Triassic) age penetrated by Czernic 1 borehole e vicinities of Dęblin. These microfossils are built of very small lumps of clay minerals cemented with hydrated ferrum oxides and their interior is infilled by ferrum oxides. They resemble agglutinated foraminifers of the genus Psammatodendron. Disc-shaped tests presumably represent embryonal chambres and the tubular tests - fragment of the second chambers. Rib-like swellings noticeable on inner side of the disc-shaped test indicate that the tests could have been attached to the bottom.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia