O stosunku Karpat do zapadliska przedkarpackiego w Polsce
ON THE RELATION OF THE CARPATHIANS TO THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP IN POLAND Summary During that last 20 years several deep drillings were made in the external part of the Flysch Carpathians in Poland. The majority of these drillings penetrated Flysch deposits and underlying folded autochtoneous Miocene and top parts of Paleomesozoic or Precambrian substrata. The tectonics of the substrata and autochtoneous Miocene and its relation to the overthrusted Flysch series are the subject of vivid, discussion. On the basis of borehole profiles the author prepared map of the base of the overthrust for a belt about 30 km wide on the west and up to 15 km wide on cm the east and 300 km long, in the scale 1 :200 000. The map is also based on several geological section. On these sections there are also presented the zone of folded Miocene, autochtoneous Miocene and basement versus structural map of the top surface of the basement, as revealed by the geophysical surveys of the oil industry. Analysis of these data has shown that the depth of overthrust plane generally depends on position of the substrata and that the plane appears to be independent of dislocations in the substrata. Autochtoneous Miocene deposits are deeply tectonically "eroded" at the contact with the Carpathians or the folded Miocene and they as a rule lay flat with some uplift towards the Carpathians and shallower depths and sloping under the Carpathians at greater depths. A structural map of the surface of overthrust of Flysch deposits in the scale 1:500 000 and some cross-sections are enclosed.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia