Problemy megnetotelluryczne kartowania zaekranowych struktur podłoża krystalicznego Przedgórza Karpat


  • Andrzej Kostecki
  • Jerzy Dźwinel


MAGNETO-TELLURIC MAPPING OF SCREENED STRUCTURES IN CRYSTALLINE BASEMENT OF THE CARPATHIAN PIEDMONT AREA Summary It is shown on the basis of calculations of magneto-telluric sounding for real characteristics of geological cross sections in the Carpathian piedmont area that the deposits of Miocene anhydrites and Jurassic limestones screening the constant electrical field and the elastic wave, do not make a hindrance for the magneto-telluric investigation of crystalline basement. This conclusion and its practical value are illustrated by sounding curves and geological cross sections. The authors suggest methodical and economical necessity to introduce these investigations in Poland, first of all in the Carpathian piedmont area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia