Krzywe rozkładu i wskaźnik zmienności dla niektórych złóż leukogranitu w Górach Izerskich


  • Jadwiga Pawłowska


DECOMPOSITION CURVES AND CHANGEABILITY INDEXES FOR LEUCOGRANITE DEPOSITS IN THE IZERSKIE MTS Summary For the last three years prospections for feldspar have been made by the Geological Institute in Warsaw. For this purpose a contact zone between gneissose granites and metamorphosed schist series in the Izerskie Mts has been studied. It was established on the results of chemical analyses that the contents of K2O + Na2O show an unimodal decomposition, the extremum falling on the class from 7 to 8 per cent (Fig. 1). Decomposition curve for Fe2O3 + TiO2 (Fig. 2) is polimodal. The changeability indexes calculated for a 5 km long belt of exposure between Proszowa and Kopaniec are equal to Va = 45% and Vb = 178%. Changeability indexes for the smaller area of Kopaniec amount: Va = 43% and Vb = 86%.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia