Występowanie i eksploatacja złota na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Teresa Domaszewska


OCCURRENCE AND EXPLOITATION OF GOLD IN LOWER SILESIA Summary Numerous, although small occurrences of gold have for many years been known in the area of Lower Silesia. There were intensively exploited in the Middle Ages. Among them the following ones may be distinguished: primary deposits, mainly concentrated in quartz lodes which occur at the boundary of the Silurian schists and gneissose granite massifs in the area of strong tectonical disturbances; and secondary clastic deposits, mainly consisting of Tertiary, gold-bearing gravels and quartz sands. The primary deposits in general small ones, contain various quantities of gold, from traces up to 100 g/t. Gold commonly occurs here in paragenesis with arsenopyrite, rarely with pyrite. To the richest belong areas north of Jelenia Góra (Radomice, Klecza), at Stara Góra and Czarnów, as well as deposit at Złoty Stok, where gold-bearing löllingite and arsenopyrite are, however, concentrated in ore-bearing serpentinites. Some of these deposits have been exploited even in XIX and at the beginning of XX centuries. Numerous secondary deposits mainly occur in the region of Lwówek, Złotoryja and Mikołajowice. It is thought that the deposits exploited here have been small and poor. The richer portions have already been exploited in the Middle Ages and in the remaining material of heaps, the contents of gold amount approximately 0,2 g/t. As prospective areas may be regarded these stretching north of Jelenia Góra, where the greatest possibility exists to find new, however, always small primary deposits of gold.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia