Charakterystyka skał rudonośnego Zagłębia Częstochowskiego z punktu widzenia potrzeb budownictwa górniczego


  • Piotr Krygier


CHARACTERISTICS OF ORE-BEARING ROCKS IN THE CZĘSTOCHOWA BASIN, FOR THE MINING CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Summary The paper deals with the difficulties arising when adapting the achievements of coal mining industry to the iron ore mining in the Częstochowa basin. Rock classifications after various authors are given and because the existing classifications do not answer, from the petrographical point of view, the needs of mining architecture, a proper classification is presented, too. Moreover, the characteristics of the Kościelec beds is discussed in detail. These beds, some tens metres in thickness, are represented by fine-grained and coarse-grained sands with irregular banks of argillaceous or ferruginous sandstones, from a few centimetres up to some metres thick. The author stresses that an uniform determination of the Kościelec beds will guard the projectors and constructors of new iron ore mines against the fundamental errors.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia