Kryteria doboru izotopów promieniotwórczych do badań hydrogeologicznych


  • Jerzy Krotowicz


CRITERIA FOR SELECTING THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES IN HYDROGEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Summary The article deals with the new method of using radioactive isotopes in hydrogeological investigations. Introduction of isotope technique into the hydrogeological investigations considerably simplifies the researches. Radioactive isotopes may be used in determining various hydrogeological parameters, i. a. in studies on direction and rate of ground water flow, in determining the supply zones, the ways of remote water circulation, the infiltration, the seepages of waters into the mines a. o. When selecting the radioactive isotope there must be taken into considerations both the physical and chemical properties of an isotope, and the properties of an environment, in which the investigations are conducted.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia