Określanie ciężaru objętościowego gruntów przy użyciu źródeł promieniowania gamma
DETERMINATION OF VOLUMETRIC WEIGHT OF GROUNDS BY MEANS OF GAMMA RADIATION SOURCE Summary The knowledge of physical properties of grounds under conditions of their natural occurrence is basis to project and to conduct various ground works and building constructions. Among most important coefficients characteristic of ground environment there are: humidity, moisture content, volumetric weight, porosity and degree of compactness. Determination of these properties using classical methods is very difficult. The article deals with the radiometrical methods of determining the volumetric weight of ground. The methods are based on the existing gamma radiation sources. It is possible when knowing the humidity of ground, to compute the porosity immediately. The radiometrical measurement of humidity is based on the phenomena of mutual relations of neutrons and environment substances. The application of these methods in the engineering geology will be presented in the article by A. Zuber in one of the next numbers of "Przegląd Geologiczny".Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia