Kompleksowe badania geofizyczne w prognozowaniu tąpań w kopalniach GZW


  • Jerzy Kowalczuk


COMPLEX GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS IN PROGNOSIS OF BUMPS AND FALLS IN MINES OF THE UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN Summary The paper presents the methodology and preliminary results of studies on the usue of a complex of geophysical methods in forecasting bumps and falls in the area of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. This complex of geophysical methods comprises almost all the methods of applied geophysics (gravimetric, seismic, geoelectric, magnetic and radiowave methods). The methods are supplemented with analyses from the area of mathematical-geophysical and physical modelling (wIth the use of holographic interferometry for analyses of surface deformations) in order to quantify interdependence between the changes in rock massif deformed by exploitation and the recorded values, i.e. geophysical parameters. The studies made it possible to recognize priority of certain geophysical methods.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia