Zmiany niektórych ocen hydrogeologicznych skał zwięzłych z głębokością


  • Antoni Kleczkowski
  • Jacek Motyka
  • Zbigniew Wilk
  • Stanisław Witczak


CHANGES OF SOME HYDROGEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF MASSIVE ROCKS ALONG WITH DEPTH Summary The main results of studies of the changes of hydrogeological properties of rocks, along with depth, carried out for many years in the Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of the Stanisław Staszic University of Mining and Metallurgy, are presented in the paper. The studies concerned general porosity coefficient, n, effective porosity coefficient (more properly termed: open porosity, ne), of storage coefficient, μ, and filtration coefficient, k. The studies covered the areas of the Upper Silesian and Lublin coal basins and the Olkusz region of zinc-lead ore mining. In the Upper Silesian Coal Basin it was found that fissurity of sandstone rocks significantly affects the values of filtration coefficient. The depth to which this effect is marked is estimated at 350—400 m. In the case of samples from the Lublin Coal Basin some methodological conclusions concerning the mode of the evaluation of draining coefficient for massive rocks were drawn. A summative interpretation of the results of about 240 test pumpings from fissured and karstified Triassic limestones and dolomites of the Olkusz region is offered. The vertical variability of filtration coefficient appears to be primarily effected by lithology, degree of fissurity and development of karst processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia