Praktyczny podział megaskopowy i charakterystyka trzeciorzędowego węgla brunatnego z obszaru Polski


  • Bolesław Brzyski
  • Stanisław Majewski


PRACTICAL MEGASCOPIC SUBDIVISION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF TERTIARY BROWN COAL OF POLAND Summary The paper presents a new practical subdivision of brown coal from the Tertiary of Poland, which may be used for geological surveying of mines and for analysing borehole profiles. In this subdivision the lithotypes and their groups are accepted as the most important megascopic units and the only systematic units distinguished. Descriptions of lithotypes, made • according to the unified scheme, comprise some diagnostic features sufficient for unequivocal differentiation of the varieties of brown coals, independently of the state of their preservation (fresh; dry samples or core samples moistened with a washer).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia