Podstawy mineralogiczno-petrograficzne poszukiwań złóż chromitu na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Wiesław Heflik


MINERALOGICAL - PETROGRAPHIC PREMISES FOR SEARCHING FOR CHROMITE DEPOSITS IN THE LOWER SILESIA REGION Summary The paper presents prevailing views on the factors and conditions which led to the formation of chromite deposits and the related ultramafic rocks. Mineralogy, petrography and geological structure of the chromite deposit from Tąpadła near Mt. Sobótka are discussed. Taking into account the present state of knowledge of geological structure and petrographic character of mafic and ultramafic Lower Silesian intrusions, and the origin of chromites from other parts of the world, it is assumed that chromite deposits may also occur in the vicinities of Mt. Sobótka and Ząbkowice Śląskie.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia