Warunki występowania i geneza kaolinów polskich


  • Mieczysław Budkiewicz


GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND ORIGIN OF POLISH KAOLIN Summary The Polish kaolin deposits form a belt about 20 km wide and 200 km long in the area of Pogórze Sudeckie. They occur in the zone of contact of uplifted aluminosilicate rocks and their metamorphic rock cover. Thickness of the deposits usually ranges from 25 m to 50 m. At greater depths kaolin gradually passes into the undecayed parent rock. The bulk of the deposits are of primary nature. Kaolin deposits from the Strzegom - Sobótka and Strzelin - Otmuchów granite massifs appear to be the most interesting economically. The origin of kaolins of the Pogórze Sudeckie is related to exogenic processes. The contribution of CO2-rich waters derived from ancient peat-bogs also appears to be significant.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia