Utwory czwartorzędowe Przedgórza Karpat między Brzeźnicą a Dunajcem


  • Henryk Kozikowski


QUATERNARY DEPOSITS OF THE CARPATHIAN FORELAND BETWEEN THE BRZEŹNICA AND THE DUNAJEC RIVERS Summary The author discusses the Quaternary deposits occurring in the Carpathian Foreland area between the Brzeźnica and the Dunajec rivers. These are: stratified sands with gravels, boulder clays, weathered clays, erratic boulders, fluvioglacial and fluvial sands, loesses and others. In the paper the characteristics of these deposits are given, their relation to the sub-Miocene erosional surface is discussed, as well as a comparison with the adjacent areas is presented.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia