Analiza dokładności dwupunktowej metody wyznaczania granicy płynności gruntów


  • Nina Lipińska
  • Roman Dudzikowski


ANALYSIS OF PRECISENESS THE TWO-POINT METHOD OF DETERMINATION THE FLUIDITY BOUNDARY Summary The analysis of results of fluidity boundary determination (Ly) and of plasticity degree (Sp) has been made. These results have been obtained by means of method included in the Polish Norm - 59/B04489 and of two-point method based on the L. H. J. Norman's formula modified by St. and R. Szmoniewskis, as well as soil samples of various origin and age, from the area of Poland. The analysis made shows general conformity of results what, together with the decreasing of time needed for investigations, and with the economical effects observed in this case, substantiates the introducing of two-point method in to the production of geological-engineering companies. It has also been stated that some deviations of results in the two-point method are connected with the genetic-lithological type of soil.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia