Anomalia magnetyczna od pioruna na górze Wżar koło Czorsztyna i projekt utworzenia rezerwatu im. St. Małkowskiego


  • Stefan Kozłowski


THUNDER MAGNETIC ANOMALY ON THE WŻAR MOUNTAIN NEAR CZORSZTYN AND A PROJECT TO FOUND S. MAŁKOWSKI'S GEOLOGICAL RESERVE Summary In 1960 a magnetic anomaly was discovered at the andesite dike exposures on the Wżar Mountain (Fig. 1). Extension of the anomaly amounts about l m. In its central part, along the broken straight line, compass needle shows a deviation amounting exactly 180° (Fig. 2). This anomaly was, most probably, caused by thunder strike (so-called "Blitzanomalie"). The anomaly under discussion occurs near by the "Snoska" stone quarry, being not exploited, at present. The surrounding area of the quarry should be regarded, together with the thunder magnetic anomaly, as a geological reserve of volcanic phenomena in the Pieniny region.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia