Mikrotektonika góry Wżar i jej okolic na podstawie magnetycznych badań prospekcyjnych


  • Stanisław Małoszewski


MICROTECTONICS OF THE WŻAR MOUNTAIN AND OF ITS VICINITIES IN THE LIGHT OF RESEARCH WORKS Summary In the area of andesite occurrence in the Pieniny region (from Czorsztyn to Grywałd and Majerz) detailed magnetic surveys were made during 1958-1962, and physical parameters were determined for some Pieniny andesite samples, i.e. magnetic susceptibility, longitudinal velocities and specific gravity (Tab. I). Technique of magnetic anomaly interpretation is shown on Figs. l, 2 and 3. As a result of this interpretation, a geologic map of andesite occurrence was made (Fig. 4). Moreover, it was shown that the magnetic surveys do not corroborate the opinion on geological structure of the Wżar Mountain, as suggested by J. Morozewicz (1921) and S. Małkowski (1923, 1958), who supposed here the presence of a laccolith. The andesites occurring in the central part of the Wżar Mountain and in its neighbouring area disclose vein structure (Figs. l, 2, 3, 4 and 5).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia