Uwagi na temat chemizmu wód podziemnych występujących na kontakcie jednostki magurskiej z Pienińskim Pasem Skałkowym


  • Lesław Bober
  • Nestor Oszczypko


REMARKS ON MINERALIZATION OF UNDERGROUND WATERS OCCURRING AT THE CONTACT ZONE OF THE MAGURA UNIT AND THE PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT Summary In the paper mineralization of underground waters occurring between Ochotnica and Czorsztyn, in particular at the contact zone of the Magura unit and the Pieniny Klippen Belt is discussed. General mineralization of waters ranges, in the profile under study, from 83,4 mg/l to 518,0 mg/l. The following types of waters have been distinguished: l) sulphate-bicarbonate-magnesium-calcium waters, 2) bicarbonate-magnesium-calcium waters, 3) bicarbonate-calcium waters. During investigations waters of greater mineralization have not been encountered, although, on account of intense tectonic phenomena to be observed in the area studied and of presence of young volcanic rock intrusions, they might have been expected there.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia