Surowce skalne Pienińskiego Prasa Skałkowego


  • Lesław Bober
  • Stefan Kozłowski


ROCKY RAW MATERIALS IN THE AREA OF THE PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT Summary In the XVIIIth century, the mining works and tentative ore meltings were carried on in the region of Jarmuta. However, the negative results of those works led to an extinguishment of ore mining in the Pieniny region, at that time. In the beginning of the XXth century, the rocky raw materials began to play a more important part there. Most intense exploitation of andesite deposits developed on the Wżar Mountain and at Malinów. The andesite is used here as building and road stones, partly also as acid-proof material. Detailed geological and technological studies explained the form of andesite occurrence and the physical and chemical properties of this latter. Of the carbonate rocks the crinoidal limestones are of use here. In the paper was also shown that the Puchowskie marls may be used in cement production. For local building purposes there are utilized Magura sandstones, Carpathians Flysch sandstones, gravels, clays and peats.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia