O poziomie gipsowym na przedpolu Karpat wzdłuż strefy Przemyśl-Lubaczów-Horyniec
ON GYPSUM HORIZON IN THE CARPATHIAN PIEDMONT AREA ALONG THE PRZEMYŚL-LUBACZÓW-HORYNIEC ZONE Summary The deposits of gypsum horizon of the lower Tortonian are represented in the piedmont area by clays, rock salts, gypsums, anhydrites, sulphur-bearing limestones and Ratyń limestones. In distribution of these deposits a distinct zonality may be seen. Along the margin of the Carpathians there runs a belt of the saline formations. To the north the saline deposits pass into the gypsum ones. The central part of the piedmont area is represented by anhydrites, which in the northern and northern-eastern perypheries of the piedmont area pass into the gypsums and sulphur-bearing limestones. The Ratyń limestones known from the Horyniec region make up the most external zone of the evaporite formations of the gypsum horizon there. Development and mutual interfingering of the evaporite formations of the gypsum horizon are shown, exemplified by detailed profiles in a cross section of the Przemyśl-Lubaczów-Horyniec zone. Moreover, the author has parallelized the formations of the upper gypsum series investigated within the Stebnice unit, with those from the gypsum horizon of the piedmont area.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia