O wykonywaniu i wykorzystywaniu analiz prędkości metodą "Velocityscan"


  • Feliks Isajew


THE PROCEDURE AND APPLICABILITY OF VELOCITY ANALYSIS MADE WITH THE USE OF "VELOCITYSCAN" METHOD Summary The introduction of numerical procedure of seismic data treatment made it possible to acquire many additional important data from seismic records. They include values of velocity of reflected waves, obtained by summarizing seismic paths according to common reflection point along small sections of profile. The velocity of summation, VWPG, optimum for every reflection, may be estimated through selection of velocity values used in calculating kinematic corrections for summation. The regularities of the function VWPG = f(to) along the seismic profile line, obtained from an analysis, are used in the common depth point method (WPG method) for introducing kinematic correction in the course of the treatment of seismic data concerning the profile. The results of velocity analyses make it possible to determine the nature of waves recorded and sections of interference of useful reflections with multiple ones. The values VWPG may also be used in estimating mean velocity values for seismic horizons of our interest. The problems connected with selection of parameters for analysis of velocities with the use of “Velscan” method, estimation of accuracy of VWPG values obtained and the means of use of the results of the analyses are discussed. Attention is especially paid to the problem of calculating mean velocities from VWPG velocities. The practical results of such calculation are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia