O poprawkach na wielkość współczynnika załamania światła stosowanych przy określaniu położenia osi indykatrysy


  • Wiesław Heflik


ON CORRECTIONS FOR THE VALUE OF LIGHT REFRACTION COEFFICIENT USED IN DETERMINING ORIENTATION OF INDICATRISE Summary On the basis of the paper by W. W. Doliwo-Dobrowolski (Zapiski Wsiesajuz. Minieral. Obszcz., 1965, no. 2) the author discusses corrections for the magnitude of light refraction, which have to be introduced when the orientation of indicatrise axis is being established with the use of Fiodorow table. The corrections differ in magnitude and sign in the case of uniaxial crystals. They depend on two possible cases of orientation of indicatrise axis in relation to the axis of Fiodorow table. The formulae and nomograms facilitating calculations of the values Ho are given.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia