Ocena przydatności skał płonnych złoża Krzemianka dla budownictwa


  • Tadeusz Strycharczyk
  • Zofia Zając
  • Anna Lotko


ESTIMATION OF APPLICABILITY OF SPOIL ROCKS OF KRZEMIANKA DEPOSITS FOR THE PURPOSES OF BUILDING INDUSTRY Summary The paper presents the results of studies on igneous rocks forming the basement of Suwałki region. The studies have shown that these rocks, represented by labradorite-augite gabbro and labradorite, are good construction material for building industry. The rocks and especially labradorite are highly attractive and valuable stones for the masonry. They may be also used in production of aggregates for high-quality concrete. These raw materials as well as ores occurring in deposits in the form of lenses should be exploited taking into account the problem of natural environment protection as they occur in the region highly valuable from the point of view of natural sciences.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia