Autochtonia i allochtonia węgla z punktu widzenia paleobotaniki


  • Krystyna Juchniewicz


AUTO- AND ALLOCHTONOUS ORIGIN OF COAL IN THE LIGHT OF PALEOBOTANIC DATA Summary The hypothesis of autochtoneous origin of coal in result of alteration of peats is accepted. Subsequently, the author discusses some evidence commonly put forward by the supporters of the alternative hypothesis of allochtoneous origin of coals. The arguments given for the latter hypothesis are critically reviewed from the point of view of paleobotany and using some results of the author's studies on brown coals. It is concluded that the allochtony proper, i.e. primary allochtony, as well as secondary allochtony cannot be considered as of any importance for the origin of coals from the point of view of paleobotanists. The two forms of allochtony may participate in formation of coals only as local phenomena of very limited significance. The importance of allochtony for the formation of coals may be accepted only in exceptional cases with good geological record. From the point of view of paleobotany it may be accepted . that coals, similarly as peats, may originate under various hydrological conditions and in various peat-bogs but always autochtonically.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia