Makro- i mikrofazy rozwoju brzegów klifowych wybrzeża polskiego
MACRO- AND MICROPHASES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLIFF SHORES ON POLISH BALTIC COAST Summary The paper presents a hypothesis of macro- and micro-phaseous development of cliffs on Polish coast. Four macrophases, determined by geomorphological predisposition and the transgressive nature of the Baltic Sea, are differentiated in the development of the seacoast. The detailed analysis of the dynamic of particular sections of cliff coasts maked it possible to assume that their development is characterized by the cyclicity varying in space and time. The cyclicity is here termed as the microphaseous development. This problem is here discussed on the example of a section of western coast of Gdańsk Gulf. In connection with the process of retreat of cliff shores the necessity of protection of some section of the coasts is indicated.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia