Problematyka geologiczna supergłębokich otworów wiertniczych w Polsce


  • Andrzej Witkowski


GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF SUPER-DEEP BOREHOLES IN POLAND Summary Intensive geological and geophysical studies carried out from the beginning of the sixties by the Geological Institute and the Zjednoczenie Górnictwa Naftowego (Polish Oil and Gas Unit) gave a relatively good knowledge of geological structure of the country in the interval down to 4500-5000 m. The paper presents the regional problems connected with the recognition of the structure of deeper-seated strata, which will be solved by new "super deep" drillings (6000-7000 m) projected by the Geological Institute and planned for the years 1976-1980, versus the main features of the geological structure of Poland. The deepest borehole hitherto drilled in Poland is Łopiennik IG-1, over 5600 m deep, made in southern part of Lublin synclinorium. The boreholes will be drilled in central pad of the Permian basin in the areas of the Pomeranian swell (Czaplinek IG-l borehole; up to 6000 m deep according to the project), in the contact zone of the East-European Precambrian and Paleozoic platforms, and in the Carpathians. The latter are aimed at the recognition of the deep Flysch series from central Carpathian depression as well as the explanation of the occurrence of deep-seated folds in the Bieszczady range. The geological service of these drillings will be maintain by continuously working specialistic drilling laboratories of the "Geoservices" type. Attention is paid to the necessity of securing sampling and well-logging service for the studies of deep-seated horizons as well as to potential difficulties connected with penetration of deep-seated Permian strata and folded Older Paleozoic and Carpathian Flysch series. In order to avoid possible complications it is necessary to elaborate optimum technique of drilling the boreholes and to gather appropriate technical equipment.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia