Geochemiczna interpretacja ilościowych badań węgIowodorów policyklicznych w ropach naftowych Niżu Polskiego


  • Jan Calikowski
  • Barbara Gondek
  • Vaclav Šimanek


GEOCHEMICAL INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS OF QUANTITATIVE STUDIES ON HYDROCARBONS OF THE PALISH LOWLANDS Summary The paper presents results of geochemical studies of oils carried out in the Geological Institute in Warsaw and the Geological Institute at Brno (CSRS). The studies covered oils from various geological units in Poland, the origin and migration conditions of which were previously determined in the course of studies carried out at the Geological Institute in Warsaw. Qualitative and quantitative identifications of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, methodologically elaborated and made at Brno and compared with results of other geochemical analyses made it possible to interpret fluorantene and coronene as new correlative genetic indices for oils.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia