Występowanie siarkowodoru w gazach ziemnych cechsztyńskiego dolomitu głównego na Niżu Polskim


  • Stanisław Depowski
  • Jadwiga Królicka


OCCURRENCE OF SULFURETTED HYDROGEN IN GASES FROM THE ZECHSTEIN MAIN DOLOMITE FROM THE POLISH LOWLANDS Summary The studies and searching for hydrocarbon accumulations in Permian deposits from the Polish Lowlands showed the presence of zones with gases rich in sulfuretted hydrogen in the Main Dolomite of the Zechstein. One of these zones, the Kalisz - Barczew - Mierzyn zone, is situated in south-eastern part of the Permian basin and the presence of other zone of that kind was evidenced by a reconnaissance borehole made in the Człuchów area in northern part of this basin.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia