Ocena reprezentatywności losowych próbek empirycznych


  • Stanisław Rychlicki
  • Kazimierz Twardowski


REPRESENTATIVE VALUE OF RANDOM EMPIRICAL SAMPLES Summary The paper deals with the problem of estimating representativeness of random empirical samples. The estimations were made using entropy, i.e. a quantity known from the theory of information. They gave a limit value of the population of empirical samples, above which the accuracy and reliability of conclusions drawn from the analysis appear to be practically not effected by the number of samples. The representativeness of random empirical samples was evaluated on the basis of a population of objects comprising Miocene horizons from the Carpathian Foreland, sampled and described with a set of geophysical parameters. On the basis of the results obtained it may be stated that the summative entropy of random samples of Miocene horizons becomes generally stable when population of samples approaches 60-80.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia