Zmienność mineralizacji cynku w pionowym profilu dolomitów kruszconośnych w złożu rud cynku i ołowiu "Pomorzany"


  • Jan Gładysz


VARIABILITY IN ZN MINERALIZATION IN THE VERTICAL PROFILE OF ORE-BEARING DOLOMITES OF ZN-PB DEPOSITS FROM THE POMORZANY MINE Summary The studies aimed at tracing regularities in distribution of Zn mineralization in the vertical profile of the Pomorzany deposit covered a part of the deposit 200 X 300 m in size. The analysis covered 5 prospecting boreholes; three of them were situated at a horst and 2 remaining ones in a trough. Periodical appearance of the maximum content of Zn was visually traced in graphic image of Zn content in neighbouring profiles. It was assumed, therefore, that certain periodical variability is also marked in the boreholes currently analysed. Several statistical analyses were made in order to verify that assumption. Trends in vertical variability of the deposit from the top of the Diplopora dolomites to the base of the Gogolin beds were analysed on the basis of the Gogolin series smoothened with the use of 9-member mobile means. The autocorrelative analysis was made for output data, smoothened data and remainders for profiles of ore-bearing dolomites.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia