Zmienność mineralizacji w profilu dolomitów kruszconośnych w kopalni "Bolesław"


  • Renata Blajda
  • Marek Nieć
  • Bohdan Niedzielski


VERTICAL VARIABILITY OF MINERALIZATION IN THE PROFILE OF ORE-BEARING DOLOMITES FROM THE BOLESŁAW MINE Summary The intensity of Zn-Pb mineralization is variable in the profile of ore-bearing dolomites. The analysis at 150 complete profiles of the series of ore-bearing dolomites showed that the mineralization is most intense about 10-25 m above the base of these dolomites, gradually decreasing towards their top. The most strongly mineralized interval is bipartite. Its lower part is especially predestined to concentration of lead. Differentiation in content of metals in economical deposit displays some periodical oscillations in the vertical, traceable with the use of autocorrelative and spectral analyses. The differentiation may reflect differentiation in lithology of ore-bearing dolomites.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia