Współczesne koncepcje klasyfikacji oceny zasobów wód podziemnych


  • Jacek Szymanko


MODERN CONCEPTS ON CLASSIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES Summary The classic hydrogeology assuming the concept of subdivision of hydrogeological units into layers and the model of stable groundwater flow always encountered difficulties in establishing relationships between dynamic and exploitable resources as well as in precise assessment of the latter. The developments in the theory and methodology of the analysis of hydrogeological phenomena, which took place in the sixties, resulted in origin of new concepts of classification and establishing resources of groundwaters. The concepts are based on interpretation of hydrogeological unit as a system and they make it possible to assess groundwater resources using various algorhythms from the field of cybernetics. The basic premises of these concepts may be found in the papers of the late Józef Gołąb, Professor of the Warsaw University. The paper presents hydrogeological aspects of the concepts of Professor J. Gołąb with the reference to some modern theories of system identification from the fields of automatics and methodology of mathematical modelling. The premises of classification of hydrogeological units are given and there is presented the classification of groundwater resources, on which are based both the system concept and the construction of new mathematical models used in evaluating groundwater resources.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia