Uwagi o budowie geologicznej SW części Podhala


  • Leonard Mastella
  • Włodzimierz Mizerski


SOME REMARKS ON GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF SOUTH-WESTERN PODHALE Summary An outline of geological structure of the south-western part of the Podhale synclinorium (Fig. 1) is given. Flysch rocks concordantly overlaying Nummulite . Miocene are divided into the lower and upper Zakopane beds and lower and upper Chochołów beds (fig. 2) and their total thickness calculated from the sections (Fig. 3) equals about 2,200 m. Biogenic hieroglyphs were found to occur mainly in the upper member of the Zakopane beds (Fig. 2). The current and dragged hieroglyphs evidence that the floor of the flysch sedimentary basin was generally sloping from W to E. The tectonic structure of the studied area appeared to be simple. The results of the analysis of folds (Figs. 5-8) and the presence of latitudinal reversed faults with downthrown southern limbs indicate a trend to tectonic transport from the north to south in the zone adjoining the Tatra Mts. Faults are usually NNW-SSE and NE-SW oriented (Fig. 4) and concentrated in two not very clearly marked zones (Fig. 2). The majority of fold structures are concentrated in axial zone of the synclinorium (Fig. 9) where faults are rare. The analysis of dip and strike of strata has shown that the arbitrarily drawn axis of the synclinorium is oriented 90/8 W. There were found three joint sets (Fig. 2). The field studies (Fig. 11) and comparisons with other regions (7) have shown that the NNW-SSE and NE-SW sets form a complementary shearing system whilst the W-E set comprises tensional fractures.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia