Badanie składu izotopowego tlenu w dolnośląskich barytach


  • Włodzimierz Wojciech Kowalski


THE STUDIES ON ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF OXYGEN OF LOWER SILESIAN BARITES Summary The paper presents the results of δ18O studies on barites mainly derived from barite deposits at Boguszowice and Stanisławów in the Lower Silesia. The values obtained are converted into standard SMOW. Table 1 and Figure 3 present the results obtained. The temperatures of crystallization of barites, estimated on the basis of the curves δ18O = +8‰ of magmatic waters and using D. Harzer diagram (Fig. 2), are equal 180-200°C and 170-240°C for Stanisławów and Boguszów barites, respectively. These values generally agree with estimations made using decripitation methods. Isotopic composition of oxigen of waters from which Lower Silesian barites crystallized was determined taking into account the above temperatures as well as δ18O values estimated from R. M. Lloyd, Y. Mizutani and T. A. Rafter dependences (equations 1, 2, 3). The composition of oxigen was changing from δ18O value + 2 to + 6‰, evidencing that those were waters mainly of magmatic origin with some admixture of other, presumably meteoric waters. Lower Silesian barites are very similar to hydrothermal barites from barite deposits of the Erzgebirge and Thuringia.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia