Zagadnienie genetycznego zróżnicowania glin zwałowych i osadów pokrewnych


  • Leszek Lindner
  • Hanna Ruszczyńska-Szenajch


THE PROBLEM OF GENETIC DIFFERENTIATION OF TILLS AND RELATED DEPOSITS Summary The problem of distinguishment of genetic horizons within glacial deposits of Pleistocene and recent age is discussed in a general way. The series of glacial accumulation exposed at Rozwady near Opoczno (Figs. 1-6) is described as an example of genetic differentiation of glacial deposits, and the interpretation is given concerning the sedimentation processes responsible for the formation of this series. This is a preliminary discussion of glacial series at Rozwady, and more comprehensive paper (in English) including numerous photographs and results of mineralogical analyses is being prepared for publication



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia