Główne regiony facjalne w paleozoiku Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Michał Szulczewski


MAIN FACIAL REGIONS IN THE PALEOZOIC OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS Summary The essential facies pattern from the Holy Cross Mts appears to have been constant throughout the Paleozoic. According to model proposed by J. Czarnocki (5, 7) and widely accepted by other authors the pattern is bipartite: deep-water Łysogóry region on the north and shallower-water Kielce region on the south. At present it seems more appropriate to accept tripartite model in which a new, Chęciny-Zbrza region is distinguished at the expense of southern parts of the Kielce region as previously interpreted. The third region is characterized by facies close to those known from the Łysogóry region. This stable distribution of facies is explained by tectonical block differentiation of labile platform.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia