Sedymentacyjne przejawy mioceńskiej ruchliwości tektonicznej na Roztoczu Środkowym


  • Wojciech Jaroszewski


SEDIMENTARY EVIDENCE FOR MIOCENE TECTONIC ACTIVITY IN THE CENTRAL ROZTOCZE Summary Marked interrelationships between faults and sedimentary phenomena were found by the present author in the case of Miocene deposits from northern marginal zone of the Carpatian Foredeep in the Roztocze area. The interrelationships are reflected by deviations of paleotransport directions (read from cross-bedding and drag marks) towards downthrusted limbs and development of subaqueous slumps in that directions, etc. According to the present author they represent effects of synsedimentary mobility along transversal and longitudinal faults. The latter often resulted in antitetic rotation of faulted blocks. Elevations formed in this way became the site of reef-type sedimentation and the depressions - the site of sedimentation of detrital material. A calcareous-detrital barrier parallel to tectonically determined coastal line was formed with the contribution of SE-oriented near shore current during the Sarmatian.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia