Możliwości wykorzystania niesejsmicznych metod geofizycznych do rozpoznania ogólnej budowy utworów podsolnych w niecce szczecińskiej


  • Aleksander Kozera
  • Stefan Wronicz


POSSIBILITIES OF USE OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS IN RECONSTRUCTING STRUCTURE OF SUBSALINARY DEPOSITS IN THE SZCZECIN BASIN Summary Geologists and geophysicists studying the Szczecin Basin are mainly interested in Zechstein and subsalinary rocks. For reconstruction of structure of these rocks there were made several drillings and at present, a wide array of seismic surveys and mainly reflection seismic surveys on account of their maximum separation capacity. At present, apparatus with numerical recording and laboratory technique of measurement data processing were introduced to the seismic surveys which resulted in a marked increase in the number of seismic data on the Zechstein. At the same time, despite of all the technical and methodological improvements, the data concerning the subsalinary rocks are scarce if ever. This makes necessary a wider use of other geophysical methods than seismics in studies on general structure of the subsalinary deposits. The paper presents a summation and correlation of results obtained in the course of geophysical surveys in the Szczecin basin. The interpretation of results of mainly seismic, gravimetric and geological surveys made possible to delineate areas of maximum concentration of rock salt masses as well as areas of hypothetical elevations and depressions of subsalinary basement



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia