Wstępne wyniki kompleksowych badań właściwości fizycznych skał krystalicznych z okolic Janowic Wielkich w Sudetach


  • Teresa Hanczke
  • Andrzej Jaworski


PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF COMPLEX STUDIES OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF CRYSTALLINE ROCKS FROM THE JANOWICE WIELKIE AREA, SUDETY MTS. Summary The paper presents results of petrophysical and petrographical studies of rock samples derived from outcrops and excavations in the Janowice Wielkie – Czarnów area in the Sudety Mts (Fig. 1). It appeared that the complex laboratory analyses of physical roc properties (magnetic and electric parameters, density and porosity, velocity of longitudinal wave), supported by the knowledge of mineral composition of the rock samples, are hekpful in selecting appropriate and economically valid method of geophysical surveys made within the frame of reconstruction of geological structure of the area in question. Tables 1-3 show mineral composition and physical properties of rocks and Table 4 – the characteristics of physical properties of 4 physical media distinguished, i.e. granites, greisens, metamorphic schists and amphibolites. The petrographic studies have shown the occurrence of greisens up to now not known from that area.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia