Wpływ stężenia roztworów na niektóre fizyczno-mechaniczne własności gruntów spoistych


  • Elżbieta Myślińska


THE INFLUENCE OF CONCENTRATION OF SOLUTIONS ON SOME PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PARAMETERS OF COHESIVE SOILS Summary The studies of pore waters and their influence on physico-mechanical properties of cohesive soils yielding them (E. Myślińska, 1972, 1974) have shown that the properties depend on mineralization of the pore waters. The studies made possible to assume the existence of such dependance and to trace directions of changes only as there is a marked overlap of effects of several other factors including granulometry, mineral composition, etc., which also have a marked effect on changes in mineral composition of cohesive soils. In order to make tracing and estimating of the effect of pore waters on selected physic-mechanical properties . of soils (liquid limit and eodometric compressibility modulus of a paste at the liquid limit) more easy the disturbing effect of other factors was eliminated. The model studies were carried out on two samples (benthonite and stagnant-lake clay - see Fig. 2) with the use of distillated water and MgSO4, and NaCl solutions with various concentration as cooperating solutions. The studies have shown that increase in concentration of salts generally results in increase in strength of soil which is characterized here by the values of liquid limit and compressibllity values (Tables 1-2, Figs. 3-5).



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia