Nowe stanowisko fauny ramienionogów mioceńskich na Roztoczu


  • Ewa Popiel-Barczyk


A NEW LOCALITY OF MIOCENE BRACHIOPOD FAUNA IN ROZTOCZE REGION Summary In sandy Upper Tortonian deposits from the vicinities of Huta Lubycka and Monastyrz in the southern Rostocze there were found numerous brachiopods among which small rhynchonellids of the genus Cryptopora Jeffreys predominate. This is the first record of that still poorly known group of Tertiary brachiopods from south-eastern Poland. A relatively good preservations of fine and translucent shells of cryptoporids representing different growth stages suggests good life conditions, that is the water agitation in the reservoir not hazardous to brachiopods and no larger -scale transport of valves of dead individuals. There are identified 3 cryptoporid species: Crypotopora nysti (Davidson), Cryptopora cf. lovisati (Dreger) and Cryptopora cf. discites (Dreger), mainly differing in shape of branchial valve. The morphological features of recent representatives of the genus Cryptopora are related to the depth at which they live. The comparison of the Tortonian cryptoporids from the vicinities of Huta Lubycka and Monastyrz in the Roztocze region with the recent forms suggests that the former lived at depths ranging from 100 to 200 m.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia