Jaspisy z miejscowości Świerki koło Nowej Rudy na Dolnym Śląsku


  • Wiesław Heflik
  • Maciej Pawlikowski


JASPERS FROM ŚWIERKI NEAR NOWA RUDA (LOWER SILESIA) Summary The paper presents the results of mineralogical- petrographical and geochemical studies of jaspers occurring among Permian melaphyres and porphyres in the vicinities of Świerki near Nowa Ruda in the Mid-Sudetic Basin. Jaspers form a layer up to 1.8 m thick. They mainly consist of silica represented by chalcedony, opal and quartz, as well as of some admixtures of dolomite and micas. They are very interesting as a decorative material. Their origin appears related to low-hydrothermal silification of sedimentary rocks occurring among melaphyres.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia