Nowe możliwości wykorzystania glin zwietrzelinowych w Karpatach fliszowych
NEW POSSIBILITIES OF USE OF WEATHERING LOAMS FROM THE FLYSCH CARPATHIANS Summary In previous studies on applicability of Carpathian rocks to production of keramzite the attention was paid mainly to shales with positive results. The present studies covered a layer of waste of these shales, 1-3 m thick, which was neglected in the former studies. The authors sampled both shales characterized by good swelling properties and weathering loams overlying them. The samples represent mainly Istebna and menillite shales of the Silesian Unit and mottled shales of the Magura Unit. They were kilned in resistance furnace. The results obtained have shown that the waste of thermically swelling shales occurring in situ is characterized by expansion properties close to those of the shalls and may be used to production of keramzite of the same quality as that made of shales but at somewhat higher (about 50°C higher) temperature. The results have shown that it is possible to reduce costs of exploitation of Carpathian shales and production of keramzite end to eliminate waste storage. The authors propose to extend the studies on expansion properties also on other kinds of waste and loess-like loams as some of them may be characterized by desirable expansion properties and represent a good raw material for keramzite production.Downloads
Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia