Badania Dolnośląskiego zwietrzałego bazaltu z Duninowa i możliwości jego zastosowania w przemyśle odlewniczym


  • Elżbieta Dobiejewska
  • Paweł Gothsonner


THE STUDIES ON LOWER SILESIAN WEATHERED BASALT FROM DUNINÓW AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF ITS USE IN MOULDING INDUSTRY Summary The paper presents the results of basic exploration studies of weathered basalt deposits from Duninowo (Lower Silesia), containing, among other things, kaolinite, montmorillonite, illite, quartz and dolomite. Technical parameters of moulding masses were determined and an attempt was made to improve cementing properties of cement Duninów 1 through a mechanical seggregation and introduction of admixtures of sulphates of the 1A group and barium sulphate. Such processing resulted in a marked improvement in strength properties of moulding masses.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia