Kreda w okolicy Kraśnika - Zakrzewa rena podstawie głębokich otworów wiertniczych)


  • Aleksandra Krassowska


THE CRETACEOUS OF THE KRAŚNIK – ZAKRZEW AREA (ON THE BASIS OF DEEP BORE HOLES) Summary The paper presents the main results of studies on Cretaceous deposits from the Kraśnik – Zakrzew area (south-eastern Poland). The studies were carried out on core material from deep boreholes. In this area the basal part of the Lower Cretaceous is represented by thin series of the Middle or Upper Albian, except for the borehole Potok IG-1 where it is represented by the Hauterivian deposits. The paleomorphological analysis has shown that the basement of the Cretaceous was here uplifted in relation to the areas situated south-east of the area. Some swells were marked in the Cretaceous basement. The Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian and Lower Santonian are uniformly developed; they are represented by limestones and some subordinate marls throughout the area. No opokas were found. In the Late Santonian a limestone-siliceous facies, being a response to Subhercynian phases, came from the south-west. A marked interfinging of two lithofacies, limestone-siliceous from the south-west and limestone from the east, is found in the Upper Santonian, Campanian and Maestrichtian. In those times the limestone-silicous lithofacies was slowly but steadily shifting eastwards. During the Cretaceous, the Kraśnik area had a slower rate of subsidence than the areas situated north-west or south-east of it, where the subsidence was the most intense. The maximum increase in subsidence took pIace in the Campanian. The Kraśnlk area was also most stable or elevated during the whole Cretaceous. Figure 2 presents the map of the base of the Cretaceous made on the basis of seismic data from deep boreholes. The area studied is characterized by diversified, geological structure, which is connected with the occurrence of anticlinal, synclinal and flexural forms.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia