Związek między skladem węglowodorów aromatycznych a procesami migracji w różnowiekowych utworach obszaru platformowego Polski


  • Jan Calikowski
  • Barbara Gondek


A RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COMPOSITION OF AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND THE MIGRATION PROCESSES IN HETEROCHRONIC ROCKS OF THE PLATFORM AREAS OF POLAND Summary Quantitative analysis of mono-, bi- and poliaromatic hydrocarbons was made and their chemical structure was studied by the use of spectrometry in ultraviolet and infrared light and, by gas-liquid chromatography. The complex analyses made possible identification of characteristic aromatic structures and groups of compounds thus providing a basis for finding genetic correlations and concluding on the conditions of migrations. Relatively much information was obtained from the analysis of two- and multiple-ring aromatic compounds. Oils from various geotectonic provinces in Poland were covered by in the studies. Some changes observed within various groups of aromatic compounds from oiIs of the same genetic type were found to be mainly the result of migration processes.



Geochemia, mineralogia, petrologia